The most
significant loss of my life was my dad, better known as Pop, C.L.
(or Connie, only to his mother - HA) He left us on Thanksgiving day
after battling cancer and lung related problems for three years. It
was a devastating loss and life will never be the same without him.
If you knew him, you knew a hard working man, a man that loved his
kids, a man that was stubborn, a butcher and most of all, as far as
I'm concerned, the best man on the planet. He cared for his family,
kids and grandkids above anything else. There are so many things I
wish for, one more talk, one more laugh, a little more knowledge, I
would love to ask him how to sharpen a knife properly. Those
opportunities are lost, along with a million others. He deserved
better than what his final years offered him, and we deserved many
more years with him and the lost lonely feeling may never subside.
It is a feeling you can only begin to understand when you have lost
someone so close and so special. So while this page is setup to
remember his better days and his life with us, let me also use it
for some unsolicited advice. Take advantage of the time you have
with your parents, sister, brother and other loved ones, because
there may literally not be a tomorrow for one of you. I regret a
million things since he left us, I should have done this, or that,
more calls, visits etc. I think we all do it, so save yourself some
regret and call those people who you care most about and let them
know it.
I will continue to
add pictures of Pop here as I scan them, here are several. Click on
the image to enlarge. Some images may be large, download time could
take a while if you are using a dial up connection. Read more about
Pop's truck
Here's to you Pop. I love you man
Pop's Sister Christine and Mother
Pop, Granny and Christopher
Pop, Brenda, Kim and Johnny-1983
Pop, Ken and Christopher 1992
Pop, Ken and Christopher
Pop and Ken-1988
Pop, Cathy and Ken 1988
Pop and Mason
Pop and Ken 1992
Pop and Ken
Pop and Ken
Pop and Christopher
Christmas 1987
Pop, Christmas 1987
Pop and Harry
Pop, Chris, Ken and
Jay, Birthday 1991
Pop, Ken and Bo
Minor 1988
Pop, Kim, Johnny,
Ken, Chris, Ryan and Brooke
Pop, Brenda, Kim,
Jay, Ken, Chris, Ryan - 1992
Pop in C5 Pilot
Seat, 1988
Pop, Johnny Deep Sea
Fishing, 1984
Pop's 60th Birthday
Pop's 60th Birthday
Pop's 60th Birthday
Pop's Catch 50th
Pop and Vickie's
Pop, Granny, Kim,
Jay, Ken and Chris
Pop, Kim, Jerry
Pop Cooking
Pop and Uncle Buck
Pop and Kim
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop, Mom, Ryan,
Brooke, Paige,Megan
Mom and Pop
Pop, Mom and Ryan
Pop, Kim and Mom at
Pop and Paige
Pop and Ryan
Pop, Scottie Martin
and Ken
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop and Mom's 25th
Pop, Robert, Lorene
and Mom
Pop, Mom, Ken, Chris
and Johnny
Pop and Ryan
Pop and his big
brother, Robert
Left to Right,
Mason, Chris, Ryan, Bo, Brooke, Heath, Paige, Ken and Megan
Johnny, Robert,
Robbie, Pop and Kim
Johnny, Robert,
Robbie, Pop and Kim
Pop and Paige