The story of Pop's Truck is a long one, but the entire point of the story was, 17 years ago, he gave me his new, dark blue Dodge truck. So 17 years later, he got a new 2003, Dark Blue Dodge truck in return. Enjoy it Pop, you deserve it, I just wish I could have put a boat on the back of it!

Pop was able to put 22,000 miles on his truck, I had rather it been 22 million, but he was happy just taking a drive and that meant a lot to me. He passed away just 19 months after I gave it to him. I think he would be happy to know that we still own it and his oldest grandson drives it everyday.

Click on the images to enlarge

Pop's Truck - Feb 2003 Paige Washing Pop's Truck - Feb 2003 Pop with his new Truck - Feb 2003 Pop being proud of his Truck - Feb 2003 Pop's Truck - Feb 2003 Johnny Sanders and Pop, Feb 2003


The photo being used as my page header above was taken by me in Mexico at the Mayan ruins of Tulum.

Copyright 2000 - Johnny Sanders, Arkansas Blast, LLC, State Fairgrounds Dragway Inc.